Best time to see: Apr to end Sep
Key facts
Bright orange butterfly with jagged edges to its wings; at rest looking like a dead leaf.
Habitat: hedges, woods, mature gardens.
Common in appropriate habitat in England south of the Wash and in Wales.
Bright orange with jagged edges to its wings; 5–6 cm wingspan
Butterflies hibernate in woodland, so often seen early along the woodland edge, usually in ones or twos; swift, gliding flight
Adults are on the wing March to April, then from July sometimes till November, these later broods hibernating over winter
Green spherical eggs are laid on hop, nettle or elm leaves along woodland edges or sheltered hedges
Caterpillars resemble bird droppings and are active in May and from July to Aug, feeding on hop, nettle or elm leaves
Chrysalis, like an upside-down seahorse, hangs in deep vegetation
© Laurie Forsyth
© Ken King
© David Corke