Belongs to: blues and hairstreaks
Compare with: purple hairstreak
White-letter hairstreak Strymondia w-album
Best time to see: Jul to early Aug
Key facts
A dark hairstreak butterfly with a white line like a W across its wings, usually in the treetops
Habitat: around large elm trees or bushes, such as along hedgerows or woodland edges
Once widely distributed through Wales and England, but suffering badly by the widespread loss of elms through disease
Dark brown underwings with a thin white line across each shaped like a W; orange crescents near edge of hindwing; 36mm
Usually perch high in a treetop, basking and drinking honeydew from aphids; occasionally make a rapid jerky flight out and back
Sometimes descend to feed on flowers
Females lay grey disc-like eggs on the sunny side of the canopy of elms on warm still days in late summer
Clear green slug-shaped caterpillars hatch in spring and feed first on elm flowers and later leaves
They pupate in June, emerging as adults from July onwards
© Ken Wooldridge